What We Do
Health Rights
Reproductive rights and HIV and AIDS are among the focus areas of Somaliland Y-PEER. Nearly all the young people in Somaliland don’t have access to reproductive health information and care. They need services, education and knowledge to prevent, diagnose and treat themselves from STIs. Women also need advice and information on birth spacing. Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is amongst the great violation of Reproductive Rights of young girls and women in Somaliland. Other forms of GBV highly exist in the country. To address this issue, Somaliland Y-PEER, with the financial and technical support from its partners, carries out the following activities,

Behaviour Change Communications Activities

Establishment of School and Universities Advocates to end FGM and GBV in Somaliland
Young people are the future parents and decision-makers. To influence them now makes gains for the future. To tap this chance, Somaliland Y-PEER works with local universities and high schools as well as organized youth groups. Somaliland Y-PEER trains certified peer educators in these school and universities. They are trained on reproductive health rights including FGM, HIV and all forms of GBV that happen in Somaliland. We also train the teachers to be on the same with the students and provide support during the school activities. After the trainings we establish school and university clubs. They do activities and session to speared messages and correct information to end FGM and all forms of gender based violence. They also pass the messages to their peers of the same neighborhood, football and readers clubs, as well as youth organizations. These clubs also encourage the continuation of girl’s education and the fight of early marriage. In addition, we reach out of school youth in their setting such as cafeteria, football clubs and community places by delivering the key messages about ending FGM, prevention of GBV and HIV and AIDs Prevention Messages. These young people spread the new ideas
Communications Trainings Establishment of School and Universities Advocates to end FGM and GBV in Somaliland
Somaliland Y-PEER provides training on communications and behaviour change to youth activist. After training, young people develop messages on SHR, GBV, FGM and early marriage. These trained young people, both girls and boys have reached more 300 young people who developed their skills in communications such as, developing the key message, promoting the message through the social media, photo-taking skills, networking for campaigning and volunteerism for positive change to happen. We believe that behaviour change communications training provided the ypeerians to develop, deliver the key message the audience more effectively, thereby achieving better results.