What We Do
Livelihood and
Employment Generation
Vocational Skills with job placement
Somaliland Y-PEER focuses on technical, practical and job specific skills that have highest potential for job creation among the key economic industries in Somaliland. We close work and make practical conversations, interviews and assessment with potential job providers. Y-PEER encourages women and girls to actively choose their field of interest, and some are breakthrough and inspire women to join paid jobs. Previous, Somaliland Y-PEER conducted market skills gap assessment to identify the skill needs of the market as demanded by businesses and individuals. Similarly, the Y-PEER will have provided market driven vocational skills training with start-up tools and job placement facilities to more than 200 individuals, 50% women. Y-PEER provides literacy and numeracy classes with the vocational skills sessions, in most cases, to the first months.

Business Start-ups
Y-PEER strategy is to brings sustainable results and promotes financial independence of women and youth in Somaliland. To reach this, we build the business they need the most. Y-PEER builds its inspiration and motivation to own and run their own business. We deliver training on how to start and improve your business. We use ILO manuals and other resources developed from success stories of Somaliland entrepreneurs, both women and men. Somaliland Y-PEER provided skills training to women and men in Awdal and Togdheer regions with IOM Somali drought response project. 60 women were created in business. During these training and business start-up efforts, women and young people learned on their potential abilities to be business person, business and marketing plan, financial literacy, organization, legal responsibilities of the business, management of staff, supply chain etc. After the training on business start-up and entrepreneurship, Y-PEER invites senior business entrepreneurs to interact with the potential youth entrepreneurs to advise on business ideas they came up. Branded Photos of women receiving the funds, training sessions photos for the youth entrepreneurship sessions.
Job finding skills
Somaliland Y-PEER Provides young people the soft skills they need to find and secure jobs. We provide them better and more creative ways of searching and find different types of jobs. They also know popular job sites, developing better cv and covering letters and interview techniques. During the training, they are receiving stories about people with positive attitudes towards finding jobs and resilience strategies to actively search jobs. These young people are shared job opportunities through mailing lists and social media groups. They come to Y-PEER office to write their CVs, get office equipment to apply the jobs, or they come get additional advice or rehearse for interviews. In 2019, 4o young people received job finding training and many of them received jobs as result of the training.