What We Do
Life Management and Survival skills
Youth and Women
Leadership Development
Women and youth will take a meaning part and contribution in the country’s development when they have the access to participate. To address,Somaliland Y-PEER organize women and youth leadership training that focus on communications, leadership qualities, volunteerism and their political rights.

Life Skills Training
Y-PEER promotes youth´s healthy coping strategies and life management skills. We organize youth groups sessions, suitable to different life situations of youth. By participating in groups, young people join a process of building their own confidence, identifying personal strengths and skills, and making a plan to achieve personal goals. Groups are facilitated by the couch who is a certified trainer and mentor. These couches are trained in youth work methods and approaches. Based on personal needs, individual coaching sessions are provided to youth as well. During the training sessions, the young people, who are already employed or run their own enterprise, share their own experience and personal paths to employment or entrepreneurship. They also discuss with their personal and other life stories if needed. 600 young people, both girls and boys will be trained these life skills sessions in the years 2019-2022.